Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fashion - A Way to Express

Fashion refers to the dressing style which gets popular in a culture at a particular time. Fashion trends do not last so long. Generally it changes within a gap of one to two year. So after sometime one fashion trend is replaced by another. The people who expresses them in a better way by their dressing style are known as fashionable and those who do not have a good understanding of dressing style are referred as unfashionable. Fashion represents beauty, style and glamor if taken in a

Fashion - A Way to Express 

positive sense. But if we take it in a negative manner then it represents materialism. The cities where the designers shows their cloth collections are known as global centers for fashion. Paris, Milan, London and New York are the biggest center for fashion. Other cities include Dubai, Moscow, New Delhi, Moscow, Tokyo, Miami , Sao Paulo etc. Fashion changes very rapidly and the rate of change is very high than other men activities such as thinking and language which takes a very long duration to change. The biggest disadvantage of fashion is that people waste their money to buy latest new products to look unique. But to some other people it is a gift to try new things to look different from others. But in last few years people are adopting nudity in terms of fashion. The clothes size are decreasing day by day. For example the ankle height Skirts are almost replaced by mini skirts or minis.

Fashion Jounalism plays an important role in fashion industry. People are inspired by the clothes they watch in magazines, newspapers and television. But the most impotant means of fahion today are moviesor film industry. People are influenced at most buy the celebs wearing style. The revolution in fashion industry came after second world war. At that time fashion magazines were the biggest source,of fashion. Among the major magazines publish these days Vogue is the most popular magazine which was first published in America in 1902. The popularity of these magazines were due to less cost. During 1950 - 1960 television became the biggest source of fashion. In 1980 - Fashion television came into existence which had completely changes the defenition of fashion. Now people can watch the latest fashion trends available in the market. But sometime there is a contradiction between television, magazines and blogs about the fashion they spread in public. So before making a fashion trend public it requires a lot of research work to avoid this contradiction.

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